Women In Distress’ mission is to stop domestic abuse for everyone through education, intervention, and advocacy.   Thank you for your interest and support in making a difference in the lives of the families we serve.

Women In Distress believes that each survivor of domestic violence has the right to a safe, secure home and the capability to self-determine their violence free future. That is why we center our efforts in providing an environment that will help our participants recover from the traumatic effects of victimization and develop an understanding and awareness of the dynamics of domestic violence by empowering them to gain independence and self-sufficiency.

Our confidential services are offered, free of charge, to victims of domestic violence no matter their race, sex, age, religion, mental or physical disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, veteran or military status, immigration status or language spoken.

Women In Distress depends on the generosity of our volunteers, individual and organizational supporters to help us fulfill our mission of keeping families safe in our community.